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Courses to give you the hands-on support you need with the things which prevent you from ever making the progress you really want…

The Purpose Finder

The Passion Finder CourseA one-on-one, 4 week course designed to help you find your purpose and figure out how to turn this into a sustainable stream of income.

This course goes “deep” - it helps you connect with your past, present and future to identify what it is you’re truly and deeply passionate about and what your true purpose is in life. Once you’ve identified that, we’ll help you identify the steps you need to take to turn it into your life’s reality. Find out more about the course here >>>

The Passion Keeper

The Passion Keeper CourseA one-on-one, 4 week course designed to help you reignite your passion - to reconnect you with your burning motivation and desire.

This course helps you reconnect with what once fired you up, got you motivated and drove you forward. If you’ve lost that - because your passion has become a routine job or you simply can’t remember what once drove you - we’ll help you reconnect and reignite with your passion and learn how to keep the passion alive. Find out more about the course here >>>

The Brand Builder

The Kinetiva Brand Builder CourseA one-on-one 4 week course designed to help you lay the foundations for a solid brand upon which you can build your passion-based business.

This 4 week course guides you through what you need to consider to brand your business in a way which engages the people you’ll be serving - your customers or clients -  and which helps them “get” it. We’ll help you brainstorm your business name, tag line and brand “story” so you can create a brand to be proud of. Find out more about the course here >>>